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Le Montagnard, our February sandwich

Sandwich Reblochon, Jambon, Pommes de terre. Le Montagnard par Maison Kayser credit@VictorBellot

Every day, in January, our caterers prepare this seasonal sandwich: ham, potatoes, red onions and Reblochon cheese, a sandwich to be savoured hot.

Do you smell this mountain diners’ scent? The ones you smell when you are with your friends gather around a large wooden table?

Every morning, in January, our caterers prepare Le Montagnard (the mountain dweller), a sandwich inspired by your Alpine meals.
Our famous Tourte de Meule holds layers of ham, thin slices of potato, slivers of red onion and Reblochon cheese. This unpasteurized country cheese with a hazelnut taste is the main feature of our snack.

Savour it hot with a one person pastry or a light verrine.

A sandwich that will put you “first stars” in your eyes.