Éric Kayser praises the summer days teaching you how to bake this sweet loaf filled with sunny figs.


A perfect bread from breakfast sliced with salted butter to the evening with foie gras or a soft rind cheese for your aperitif for a sweet and savoury flavour.

The ingredients:

500g of all-purpose (plain) flour
20g of butter.
10g of salt.
3g of fresh beaker’s yeast.
100g of sourdough starter.
200g of pieces of figs
300g of water.

The utensils:

An electric stand mixer.
A dough cutter.
A dough scraper.
A bread lame.
A brush.
A small glass of water.
A thermometer.
A cloth.

The timings:

Kneading: more or less 10 minutes
1st rising 2 hours
Resting: 30 minutes
Proofing: 1 hour
Baking: 20 min at 230°C

The recipe:


Put the flour it in the mixer.
Add the baker’s yeast on one side
And the salt on the other.
The sourdough starter.
And the water.
Start to knead for 3 to 5 minutes at first speed.
Once the dough is mixed enough, turn up at the 2nd speed for 4 to 5 more minutes.


Slow down at 1st speed.
Add the butter.
And the figs. Be careful to not knead for too long.
Stop when the dough unsticks the bowl.


Stop the mixer.
And put the dough in a floured bowl.
Take its temperature, it should be around 23-24°C.
Cover it and leave it to rest for 2 hours.


Divide the dough in four 280g pieces.
Flatten 4 pieces.
And form a ball.
Cover the 4 balls with a cloth.
And leave them to rest for 30 minutes.


Turn down your 4 balls.
Slightly flatten the doughs and start to shape.
Roll the dough and stretch it a bit to make it longer.
Be careful to have a closed seam, otherwise, pinch it with your fingertips.


Score the breads.
Cover them with a cloth.
Leave them to proof for an hour.


Slightly press them with your fingertips to check the proofing.
Moisturize them with a brush and some water.


Bake for 20 min at 230°C.


Bon appétit.

  1. Hi I can’t find fresh baker’s yeast in Los Angeles. Is it possible to create some from the dry active yeast? If so, what are the measurements?
    If not, how much dry active yeast to replace fresh yeast? Thank you