Maison Kayser Academy

The recipe of our famous turmeric Viennese bread with walnuts and hazelnuts

The dough of the Viennese bread is the perfect loaf to add sweet or savoury ingredients in it.

In its bakeries, Éric Kayser offers the much appreciated turmeric Viennese bread with walnuts and hazelnuts.

Now, you can bake it at home with this recipe.

The ingredients:

500g of flour.
250g of water.
15g of fresh baker’s yeast.
10g of salt.
100g of butter
20g of milk powder.
60g of sugar
70g of sourdough starter.
10g of turmeric.
100g to 150g of hazelnuts depending on your taste.
100g to 150g of walnuts depending on your taste.

The utensils:

The electric stand mixer.
The dough cutter.
The dough scrapper.
The brush.
The bread lame.
The thermometer.

The timings:

Kneading: between 10 to 15 minutes
1st rising: 1 hour
Rest: 30 minutes
Proofing: 2 hours
Baking: 22 minutes at 200°C

The recipe:

Pour the water, first, in the mixing bowl.
Then add, the yeast, so it won’t be damaged by the salt and the sourdough starter, the milk powder, the flour.
Lift the bowl up and start at first speed.


Add the sugar and the salt, as the kneading goes along.
Knead for more or less ten minutes at middle speed.


When the dough is more or less kneaded, add the butter.
And knead for three more minutes


Slow down at 1st speed and add the turmeric, and then the hazelnuts and the walnuts.
Just enough time to blend all the ingredients in the dough. Be careful to not over knead and crush the nuts.


Get the dough out of the bowl and put it down your floured table.
Let it rest for an hour.


Divide the dough in four 250g pieces.


And preform the loaves in balls.


Let them rest for 30 minutes.


Turn the breads upside down.
And form batards.
You can form little ficelles if you have some dough left.


Score the loaves with the bread lame deep in the dough.


Let them proof for two hour.


Slightly moisten them with the brush.


And put them into the oven for 22 minutes for 200°C.
Be careful to get the ficelles out of the oven much sooner than 22 minutes.


To be savoured with fish or sliced with cream cheese.
